Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Change In Plans

The results from the bone marrow biopsy are back, and there is a new plan for Nonnie starting next week. There is a mix of news to share regarding the results......there is no sign of leukemia in her blood, but her bone marrow is no longer producing platelets. This is one of several things, including both red and white blood cells that are produced in the bone marrow.

Instead of undergoing chemotherapy next week, Nonnie will most likely get a cord blood transplant. As more information becomes available, I will update you on that process. Until then, keep those prayers coming!


  1. Linda, I was thinking about how blessed I have been to have such wonderful family all my time on this earth, you too have been blessed, we had and have, wonderful grandparents, parents, Aunts, uncles and cousins, and now our own kids, grandkids and in my case great grandkids. You are a part of that blessing in my life. I thank God for you.
    Know that I pray everyday for you, you have really been strong through all you have been through. Praying that as we "draw near to the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace in your time of need" that our Lord will continue to pour out His love, mercy and grace upon you. Love and prayer, Cousin Shirley

  2. Linda:

    You are so amazing. In all my recent conversations with you, I come away so inspired and so in awe of your strength, your courage, your faith.

    You have shown to me and so many others just how important a positive attitude is, especially during difficult times.

    Stay strong Linda and keep trusting the Lord. HE is watching over you and HE will not let you down.

    We love you! ~Kathy & Kenny

  3. Our love and prayers are with you!!!
    ps...that photo with your girls shows they have your gorgeous gene!!
