Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gone Fishin'

I can't believe that Nonnie has already been in the hospital for a week and a half! Her hemoglobin counts have dropped, and she received 2 units of blood today. She spent alot of the day sleeping, because she also gets Benadryl to reduce the likelihood of having a reaction. Her platelet count is currently at 13,000 and she usually gets platelets when that drops to 10,000. This is all expected and part of the process. Nonnie still has her appetite and is taking her daily walks around the floor.

Papa has been so supportive and committed throughout this entire process, and Nonnie wanted him to get away while she is feeling good. Luckily, he was able to hook up with Mike and Matt Carpenter. The boys are going to San Diego for a much deserved fishing trip!

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