Friday, October 23, 2009

4 Down, 1 To Go!

It is Friday night, and Nonnie is almost due to get her last chemotherapy bag hung! She will be done with her treatment in just over 24 hours. If you remember prior to her going back to the hospital, her counts were higher than they have ever been throughout this process. The current treatment has lowered her counts to about half of what they were since Tuesday. What this means for her, is that her counts may not be low enough for her to stay in the hospital after the treatment (insurance issue). Usually, her counts are so low that she stays in the hospital until they come back up to an acceptable level.

This time, she may have to go home for a few days until they start to drop, or until she gets a fever. This sounds alright, but she would rather stay in the hospital for the entire time for a couple of reasons. First, there is the likelihood that there will not be a room available for her, so they would need to go to the UCLA in Santa Monica. This would be a matter of getting used to a new routine at another facility. Secondly, she is anxious about being at home and away from doctors should she have a fever or not feel well. I can certainly understand her concern!

So far, she has not had any significant issues, and she has not needed any blood products. Mike and Lisa are getting prescriptions next week to see if they might be a match.

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