Lisa and I gave a "directed donation" of platelets on Thursday. This means that they are intended for a specific person. The platelets have a 5 day shelf life, 3 of which are spent processing and typing them for the recipient. If they are not a match, the donated platelets go into the system for another person. Even after this process is done, you still do not know how patients' body will respond until after they are given.
Nonnie's counts were low as expected, and she received whole blood and platelets in the afternoon. We are not sure whose they were, and the blood counts are not in as of this morning. She will likely get the other platelets today, and we hope that she responds well to one of our platelets.
Last night, Nonnie woke up around midnight to a very high fever. This prompted another "fire drill" and they were able to break her fever by this morning. She usually does this on day 14 post chemotherapy, but this time, it was on day 7. Hopefully, this means she is ahead of the game and she will be home a week sooner!
Her new room is #6153 and the direct phone is 310-267-6156.
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
757 Westwood Plaza
C/O Linda Asam, Room 6153
Los Angeles, CA 90095
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