Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update

Over the last several days, Nonnie has continued making small improvements. She has not had a fever to speak of, and she has taken a couple of walks. Her energy is low because she cannot eat, due to the painful mouth sores. The staff taught her a little trick....she uses Lidocaine to swab her tongue, which causes numbing like when you go to the dentist. This way, she can at least drink her 3-4 Ensure drinks that Dr. Paquette wants her to intake each day.

Lisa spent most of the afternoon, and into the evening with her mother on Friday. Yesterday, my mom (Kathi) and Diane visited with Nonnie before Papa went up for a sleep over. Poor Diane went to her scheduled platelet appointment, and was turned away due to a paper cut (sorry for the HIPPA violation)! I guess they are just being ultra conservative?

She is still getting her twice daily blood and platelets and they think the bleeding is resolved. Nonnie misses the kids terribly and cannot wait to get home to be with everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Love you soooooooo much!!! We have you and yours in our dinner prayer every single night!

    I just returned from visiting Morgan. She is at a very very Baptist boarding school and she has you and your entire family in her prayers. You know they do a lot of praying there!!! xoxoxo Love, KKay
