Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lets get caught up to speed

In December of 2008, Nonnie and Papa went to their annual physicals. Nonnie told her doctor that she had developed a dry persistent cough and was given an antibiotic to help clear it up. She and Papa went to Oregon for about a month, where she began to feel weak and tired. Once they got back to Riverside, she got a new blood test which revealed her platelet count was down from the initial test done in December. She was advised to come back in a month to monitor the situation. In the meantime, she began to have night sweats, lack of appetite, fever and unexplained weight loss. This prompted her primary doctor to refer her to an Oncologist in Riverside.

1 comment:

  1. hey Jeff, Great job on the blog!!! We are praying for Linda and your family!

    Also, can anyone make a post on here or only comments on your post? And where do you want us to put direct messages to Linda?

